If you’ve followed me for any length of time on Instagram, you’ve likely seen me in the gym every single day, at 5am. I wake up this early because it allows me to have “me” time so I can show up as my best self all day. Much of our time is spent responding to other peoples’ needs and we can’t be the person those responsibilities require without pouring into our own cups first.
Now, you don’t have to wake up this early to be successful, but morning routines are an extremely powerful, life-changing tool. How you start the day is often how you will finish it and what you do each morning is seen as a benchmark of how you will go about the entire rest of your day. Healthy habits aren’t established overnight; they are built out of gradual repetition, performed consistently day after day. One of my favorite quotes is from James Clear: “We don’t rise to the level of our goals. We fall to the level of our systems.”
One of my most asked questions is “how in the world do you get up that early?!” I’m going to start with some tips but end with hard truths. I implement several scientifically-supported steps for being an early riser learned from Dr. Andrew Huberman, a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine, including maximized sunlight early in the day, no caffeine or naps after 3pm, and minimized light exposure post 8pm.
Here are 5 more actionable tips on how to hit the gym early:
Wake up with intention by planning out a morning routine you look forward to
Find a workout you actually want to do and wake up for
Lay out everything the night before
Get an accountability partner
Remind yourself what you’re grateful for
Remind yourself why you’re awake before the rest of the world. it’s not easy. if it was, everyone would do it. thankfully we can do anything we set our minds to <3
Now for the tough love…
Unfortunately, there’s no magic motivational secret. You just have to do it. At first, it’s going to be really hard. It’s not easy to rewire your brain and create new neural pathways. Once the habit is established and you start seeing progress, that will be your motivation! Start making decisions with the mindset of “is this getting me closer to or further away from where I want to be?” Shift from looking at how far you have to go to focusing on being just 1% better daily. Do this for a year, and you’ll be 37x better by the end of it. Habits create freedom, not restrict it.
It’s easy to overestimate the importance of one big defining moment and underestimate the value of making small improvements daily. Anyone whom you admire as “goals” didn’t get that way in one day, one workout, one healthy meal. They started somewhere too!
Master a schedule.
Master a commitment to “boring.”
Master doing it even when you don’t want to.
Now…who’s ready to join me at 5am?
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Truly Well by Tracy 2023
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